eShowers Release Notes
All software updates below are available to all active subscriptions and trials.
Your software will be automatically updated for you, or you can download the latest version from the downloads page below.
Version 2023.7.1
- Copy job now allows getting next job number as well as copying existing job number
- Transom panel now correctly shows glass logo/stamp
90 degree showers rotation fixed in 3D render - Fixed plan view drawing when transom panels used
- Sidelight panel is now calculating for FHC Napa sliding kit
- Fixed issues when toggling Inner/Outer for sliding door panels
- Transom pivots are correctly aligning on doors with elbow condition
- When manually adding a transom pivot, adjacent cutout is now positioned correctly.
- Fixed certain elbow calculations for enclosures with no left wall
- Fixed entering of imperial measurement non-English system localities
- Copy Series now correctly copies all fittings
Version 2023.3.4
- Fixed DXF issue with incomplete cutouts on edges with out of squares
Version 2023.3.3
- Fixed slider overlap being applied twice for some sliders
Version 2023.3.2
- Fixed random “Access Violation” issue in Shower Builder introduced in 2023.3.1
Version 2023.3.1
FHC Ridgeline Slider Kits (RLSQ180 & RLRD180) are now available for use
Account Contact Email can now be used as default sender email address (see Email Settings)
Added optional alerts to check for fittings with no finish applied (see Shower Settings -> Alert Defaults)
- Alerts window in shower builder only shows when alerts exist
- Fixed “Variant or safe array is locked” error when selecting part finish
Version 2023.1.1
- FHC Compass Slider Kit (C0M180) is now available for use
- FHC TideWater Slider Kit (TW180) is now available for use
- Keyhole cutout option provided for hardware fittings and glass cutting
- DXF export now supports filename formatting for selected fields
- Glass processes (holes & cutouts) for manually added parts are now correctly adding to Quote
- Shipping Fee $ is now correctly adding to Quote total $
- “Clear Design” button on Jobs screen no longer causing an exception
- Adding a door transom no longer sets “To Ceiling” for Shower
Version 2022.8.2
- Fixed Copy Job functions
- Fixed “Mouse Ear does not work” issue with certain cutouts
- Glass drawings displays correct hole quantity for same diameter
- Fixed issue creating job when no default job status
- Fixed Report/PDF AV issue when account logo not specified
Version 2022.8.1
- DXF Export now provides a “Send via Email” option for emailing DXF files.
- Desktop module can now be launched via web-portal
- “Polished” label can now be added to glass drawings (see Report Settings -> Glass Order)
- “Door Width” label now used for door void measures
- Fixed dimension issue with vertical notches edges with outages
- Parts added manually to a shower are now correctly added to quote
- Fixed issue with panel dimensions chopping off on glass order
- Changes made to quote extras is no longer resetting when making changes to a shower
- All quote extra settings are correctly remembered including labor hours
Version 2022.7.1
- Introduced new web portal for account management functions, with 1-Click via “Admin Portal” menu options
- Improved Subscription & Credit Card management via web portal
- Improved User management via web portal, including ability to delete users
Fixed issue with mulitple report generator not picking custom standard reports
Version 2022.5.2
Fixed towel bar hole location issue
Version 2022.5.1
- Improved 2D drawings & scaling for panels
- Remove overhead view from 2D when no miters
- To Ceiling clearance now correctly applied when transoms used
- Slot labels are now easier to read
- Header part number is now correctly populating when reloading a job
- Fixed error with gap panels when no left wall.
- Bullnose cutouts now correctly displaying for notched panels
Version 2022.3.2
- Fixed issue with missing slider overlap
- Fixed double printing issue on custom glass order report
- Fixed DXF incorrect diameter issue for double holes
- Added manual download option to auto-downloader
Version 2022.3.1
- Major updates to glass drawings for improved accuracy & readability
- Company Name can now be modified under Account Settings
- Part Finish is now added to description in the Job Builder Detailed Quote
- Slider Glass Bracket 90 degree template issue has been fixed
- Glass Pivot adjacent notch rendering has been fixed
- Quote & Glass Order page 2 header text has been fixed
- Inactive users have beed hidden from Account Users list
- Fixed issue with “All Edges Same” label printing when miters exist
- Slider Glass Bracket hole location is now calculating correctly for miterd glass
- Hole placement on elbows has been fixed
- Installation sheet now displaying the correct bottom clearance for kits & fixed panels.
- Gaps & Gap Transoms display label fixed in the builder
- Fixed slider warning message “door does not have space to open” for right side-lite notched panels
- K-Cut (Dog leg) elbows are now working properly in the builder
Version 1.6.2 (Released 2021-11-08)
- Fixed issue with Gap Transoms causing an AV error
- Ignore Alert” option missing for Hinge Max Width has been fixed
- Fixed issue with incorrect Quote total for some accounts
Version 1.6.1 (Released 2021-11-04)
- Add Rake Corner & Add Radius Corner menus have been restored in shower builder
- Insert Panel Before/After menus have been restored in the shower builder
- Fixed issue with transom panels on left walls causing an access violation
- Fixed 3D display issue for transom panels on 90 & 135 enclosures
- Fixed issue with adjacent holes/cutouts sometimes overlapping on glass order
- Glass clamps are now available for selection for fixed transom panels
- Added a warning message if a handle is too wide for a panel
- Head support warning ignored if fixed/operable transom applied to shower
- 3D camera center has been improved for certain enclosure situations
Version 1.6.0 (Released 2021-11-02)
- Addition of full range of Sliders in FHC Catalog.
- Plan View for Sliders & Standard showers showing top-down view & centerline offsets
- In the Shower Builder, allow towel bar / combo to be switched sides & orientations
- Provide more flexibility for placement of certain hardware such as Transom clamps
- Allow negative clearances to be entered for glass edges
- Fixed issue in Builder when 2D panel not correctly resizing to window
- Fixed issue with overlapping dimensions for double holes
- Fixed alpha sorting of Customers in pricing grids
- Inactive Users are now correctly filtered out of lists
- Fixed Access Violation with Show Layers option in Shower Builder
- Fixed issue when clearing Edge Outages & Elbows
- “Forgot Password” has been changed to a button on the login screen
- Adjusted smoothness of 3D animation
- Alerts action button is only displayed when options available